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−Table of Contents
Welcome to the MIP* Resource page. Here is a collection of resources that may be helpful for those interested in understanding the MIP* = RE result.
- A high level blog post that introduces the connection between MIP* = RE, Tsirelson's problem, and Connes' Embedding Conjecture.
- Here is a guide for people who are interested in starting a reading group around the MIP* = RE result, including its connections to the Connes' Embedding Problem. This includes suggestions for background reading.
- Many Faceted Connes Embedding Problem workshop at Banff International Research Station. Speakers: various.
- How to compress a nonlocal game. Speaker: Henry Yuen. Gives an overview of the compression scheme used in MIP* = RE.
- Self-testing as an approach to certifying quantum systems. Speaker: Andrea Coladangelo. Gives an overview of nonlocal game rigidity/self-testing.
- The algebraic side of MIP*=RE. Speaker: William Slofstra. Gives an algebraic viewpoint of the connection between CEP and MIP* = RE.
- The Quantum Low-Degree Test. Speaker: Anand Natarajan. Gives an introduction to the robust self-testing result that underlies the introspection technique.
- PCPs and Introspection. Speaker: John Wright. Gives an overview of the introspection technique.
- Spooky Complexity at a Distance. Speaker: Zhengfeng Ji. Gives an overview of MIP* = RE in the context of quantum multiprover interactive proofs.
Discussion Forum
There's a Piazza forum for those who may have questions about MIP* = RE or related topics. Sign up code: “quantum”.
Reading Groups
Please contact me (Henry Yuen) if you'd like your reading group to be included on this list.
- UC Berkeley reading group, organized by Ian Charlesworth. Videos included.
- Reading webinar, organized by Omar Fawzi, Mikael de la Salle, and Guillaume Aubrun. Slides and notes included.
Open Problems
- Construct a non-hyperlinear group.
- What is the most general class of nonlocal games that can be introspected?
- What is the complexity of MIPco? A plausible conjecture is that it is equal to coRE.
More to come. Also, please feel free to suggest more open problems (either by e-mail, or on the Piazza forum).
start.1598630278.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/28 15:57 by admin