Table of Contents


Welcome to the MIP* Resource page. Here is a collection of resources that may be helpful for those interested in understanding the MIP* = RE result.


Discussion Forum

There's a Piazza forum for those who may have questions about MIP* = RE or related topics. Sign up code: “quantum”.

Reading Groups

Please contact me (Henry Yuen) if you'd like your reading group to be included on this list.

Open Problems

  1. Construct a non-hyperlinear group.
  2. What is the most general class of question distributions that can be introspected?
  3. What is the complexity of MIPco, or equivalently, the complexity of approximating the commuting operator value of nonlocal games? A plausible conjecture is that it is equal to coRE.

More to come. Also, please feel free to suggest more open problems (either by e-mail, or on the Piazza forum).